Distribution of Sample Means
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The Distribution of Sample Means


The Sampling Distribution of the Mean (SDM) is a distribution composed of the means (X) for all the possible random samples (of size n) from a population.  The mean of the SDM is called the expected value of the mean or .  The standard deviation of the SDM is called the standard error of the mean (SEM) or .


The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) tells us that a SDM has the following characteristics:


(1) SDM is normally distributed if the population is normally distributed or if n ³ 30.

(2) = m.



Because the SDM is normally distributed, we can use z-scores to answer probability questions about samples. 




Example:  For a normally distributed population with m = 60 and s = 12, what is the probability of selecting a random sample of n=36 scores with a sample mean (X) > 64?  (What proportion of the SDM is > 64?)


(1) Express the problem in a probability statement: p(X > 64) = ??


(2) Sketch the distribution, label, and shade the area you wish to find.


                                = m = 60

                     ****  ****


(3) Compute z-score.




(4) Use the unit normal table to determine the probability associated with this z-score.


                                p(X > 64) = p(z > 2) = .0228.


(5) With a population of m = 60 and s = 12, only 2.28% of samples of n=36 are expected to have means > 64.  Therefore drawing a sample of n=36 with a mean > 64 is very unlikely.


Don’t let word problems fool you!  The average age of residents at a large retirement community is m = 60 years.  Of course, there is some variability in age with s = 12 years.  If you randomly select 36 individuals from this community, what is the probability that the average age of your sample will be X > 64?  This problem is the same as the one above.