Psychological Statistics
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Remember to submit your final SPSS projects to Prof. Rosselli by 5:00pm on Monday 5/12. Extra copies of the assignment are on the door of Judd 104.
Alexandra will be holding an SPSS extra help session on Friday 5/9 from 1-2 in Judd B21. 
The final exam is on Wednesday 5/14 at 2:00 in Judd 116. The exam will cover all material from the course - that includes all lectures and labs, G&W chapters 1-17, SPSS manual chapters 1-3, 5-12, and 14-15, and, the SPSS supplement. The exam will consist primarily of multiple choice questions. There will also be a few computation/spss problems. 
Review session for the final exam will be held on Monday 5/12 at 5:00pm in Judd 116. Review sheets from the semester exams are still available at the "Review Sheets" link above.
Answers to the handout from the last day of class are as follows:
  1. single sample t-test (two-tailed)
  2. independent samples t-test (two-tailed) or single factor independent samples ANOVA
  3. point biserial correlation (two-tailed)
  4. chi-square goodness of fit
  5. pearson correlation (two-tailed)
  6. z-test (one-tailed)
  7. chi-square test for independence
  8. two-way ANOVA
  9. related samples t-test (one-tailed) or single factor repeated measures ANOVA
  10. single factor independent samples ANOVA

This page was last updated on 05/08/03.